Earth’s rotation around the Sun and the sequence of four seasons

Look at the sky, and you will notice that the Sun rises from the east and sets from the west, The sunrise and the sunset do not occur due to the rotation of the Sun, but it occurs due to the rotation of the Earth around itself (its axis).

This phenomenon is called the apparent movement of the Sun, where it takes different apparent orbits from the east to the west, The movement of the shadow of the fixed bodies is due to the apparent movement of the Sun.

The rotation of the Earth

The Earth is one of the planets, where we can live because it contains the air, the food and the water, The Earth consists of two hemispheres (northern hemisphere and southern hemisphere), The Earth rotates around itself and rotates around the Sun.

The Earth’s rotation around itself 

The Earth rotates around its inclined axis (itself) once every 24 hours (one day), and the side (hemisphere) of the Earth that faces the Sun during this rotation becomes bright or day, While its other side becomes dark or night, The rotation of the Earth around its axis causes the sequence of the day and the night.

The Earth’s rotation around the Sun 

The Earth revolves around the Sun once every 365 and quarter days (one year), The rotation of the Earth around the Sun causes the sequence of the four seasons (the summer – the spring – the autumn – the winter).

The sequence of the four seasons
The sequence of the four seasons.

The Earth’s axis is inclined and this causes the difference in the length of the day and the night, You notice that the day is longer than the night in the summer season.

You notice that the night is longer than the day, in the winter season and the hours of the day equals the hours of the night, In the spring or the autumn.

The day in the summer season is longer than the day in the winter season because the apparent orbit of the Sun (the rotation of the Earth around its axis) during the summer is longer than during the winter.

Four seasons are different in characteristics and can prompt changes in the world around them, The timing and characteristics of the seasons depend upon the location on Earth.

In tropical & subtropical places, there are two seasons which are the rainy (or wet, or monsoon) season and the dry season, because rain changes more than the temperature.

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