How do your body cells get rid of the excretory materials?

The excretory materials are carbon dioxide, nitrogenous wastes, excess salts, and excess water, They are the waste materials which produced inside the cells and the body must get rid of them.

Carbon Dioxide

When the body cells burn the digested food (carbohydrates or starch) by oxygen to produce energy, carbon dioxide is produced with water vapor, and we can get rid of them through the two lungs through the exhalation process.

Nitrogenous wastes

Nitrogenous wastes are produced by breaking down the proteins which are necessary for the growth of the body and repairing the damaged tissues, They are urea and uric acid, and we can get rid of them through the urinary system.

The excess salts and the excess water

The body gets rid of the excess salts by dissolving them in the excess water. We can get rid of them through the urinary system and the skin.

How do your body cells get rid of the excretory materials?

When the body cells produce the wastes, they release them to the blood through the thin walls of the blood capillaries, The blood carries these wastes to the special organs to get rid of them, where carbon dioxide and the water vapour are exhaled from the two lungs.

Nitrogenous wastes (urea and uric acid) are removed by the two kidneys (the urinary system), Your kidneys are composed of 1 million cells called Nephrons, These long coiled tubes are where the blood is filtered and the urine is produced.

The excess salts and the excess water are expelled outside the body through the skin in the form of sweat and the urinary system in the form of urine, The excretory system is the body system that separates and gives off the waste from the body, usually as the urine or the sweat.

The skin is one of the excretory organs as it gets rid of some excess salts and excess water in the form of sweat, The body cells release their wastes into the blood as the blood carries these wastes to special organs to get rid of them.

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