What is the symptoms and complications of syphilis

Syphilis is a disease arising from sexual contacts (sexually transmitted diseases “STD”, it causes miscarriages, premature births,  or the stillbirths, and it causes the death of newborn babies.


Syphilis is caused by a spiral-shaped bacteria called Treponema pallidum, the bacteria can pass from the infected skin or mucous membranes during the sexual contact with an infected person or a carrier person.

The bacteria can pass from the pregnant woman to her fetus (through the umbilical cord or during the delivery) causing a disease called congenital syphilis.

Syphilis can not be passed during sharing the food or the utensils or from using the tubs, the pools, or the toilets, the incubation period of this disease is from 2 to 3 weeks.

The symptoms

Symptoms and complications of syphilis

Symptoms and complications of syphilis

The symptoms are the appearance of the painless hard ulcer on the head of the penis (in the male), in the vagina and in the upper part of the cervix (in female).

There will be dark brass colored rashes on the back and hands of the patient, and there will be other symptoms such as fever, aches, weight loss, hair loss, aching joints, or lesions (sores) in the mouth or the genital area.

Syphilis can cause painless sores on the genitals called chancre sores, It causes rash over the body, It causes sterility and death if it is left untreated.

There are stages of syphilis, In the first stage, There are sore, chancre that found in the genital area such as the inner part of the vagina in the woman, and the penis for men, The chancres do not result in pain, and it will disappear without treatment.

In the secondary stage, there are skin rash, rough, reddish-brown spots on the palms of hands and the bottoms of feet, The mucous membrane lesions throughout the body without ichiness, there will be fever, sore throat, the headache, swollen gland, weight loss, muscle ache, and fatigue.

In the tertiary stage, there will be blood vessels, cardiac, nerve system problems, there will be damaged internal organs, And it causes the death, The latent stage, The symptoms disappear for 1-20 years, diagnosis through the blood testing, and relapse the symptoms.

The complications

If the patient is not treated as soon as the appearance of symptoms, this leads to the appearance of tumors in different body parts like the liver, the bones and the parts of the genital system.

Syphilis can cause blindness, deafness, memory loss or other neurologic problems, heart disease, and the brain may also be damaged and the patient will die.


Syphilis can be treated in all the symptoms stages by penicillin, an antibiotic, injected into the muscle which is the best treatment for syphilis.

If you are allergic to penicillin, your healthcare provider may give you another antibiotic to take by mouth, and you should prevent the sexual contact with an infected person, and you must prevent illegal contacts.

All pregnant women should be tested for syphilis, and most cases of congenital syphilis can be avoided with appropriate screening and treatment of pregnant women, and the abortion of the infected pregnant.

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