The adaptation in the aquatic submerged plants

The adaptation in the aquatic plants

The aquatic plants

The aquatic plants

The aquatic plants are divided into the totally submerged in the water as Elodea plant and the partially submerged in the water as Hyacinth (Nil rose).

The aquatic plants are exposed (especially the totally submerged ones) to the shortage of oxygen which is dissolved in the water, the shortage in the light, and the presence of the water currents.

The adaptation of the Elodea plants

The Elodea plants are totally submerged plants, They have got weak roots because they are not needed to fix the plants or to absorb the water.

The leaves of the Elodea plants are small-sized, thin, and ribbon-like, So, They will not be cut by the water currents.

The leaves of the Elodea plant are sessile (neckless), So their connection with the stem will be stronger, The stem of the Elodea plant is elastic, So, it will not be cut by the water currents.

The stem of the Elodea plant contains many air chambers to store an amount of oxygen gas that is produced during the photosynthesis process.

The Elodea plants use oxygen gas in the respiration process, and oxygen gas helps the Elodea plant to float in the lighted regions of the water.

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