Category: Trending

Robear robots

Top Trends on Robear robots and What can Robear robot do?

Robear is more than just a weightlifter. It can measure vital signs, monitor movements, and remind people to take their medication. It’s like a furry personal assistant with a built-in stethoscope. While Robear is...

Eilik robot and vector robot

Difference between Vector and Eilik robots, Eilik vs Vector

Vector robot is a home robot designed for entertainment and education. It can answer questions, play games, and tell stories. It comes with a built-in camera and microphone, it can interact with its surroundings....


Top Trends on Aibo and What can Aibo robotic dog do?

Aibo robot can express emotions such as happiness, sadness, and curiosity through its eyes, ears, and tail, It can learn and adapt to your behavior, recognizing faces, voices, and preferences. It’s used for busy...