What is Structured Data? and the importance of AMP with structured data

AMP is an open-source library that allows developers to create web pages that load instantaneously on mobile browsers, speed is a crucial factor that AMP aims to optimize, the website will be shown in mobile search results as rich results. Structured data will improve the look of the snippet in the search engine & increase traffic to the site. On implementing well-written & relevant structured data into your pages, your site will be shown to a more relevant audience base, so, your click-through rates will improve.

What is AMP?

AMP (Accelerated mobile pages) is designed to download quickly, It is a web framework designed to provide a superior user experience for users while catering to publisher’s needs to display advertising. AMP helps overcome your mobile speed issues, It gives a better user experience to your readers, It incentivizes Google to show your pages first instead of the slow-loading pages of the majority of your competitors, Your website will be eligible for visual stories, and rich result features, such as image, logo or headline.

The canonical page & native AMP

Each AMP page should be linked to its canonical non-AMP version, and the canonical page has to link back to the AMP page to avoid duplicate content issues. The native-AMP website could become a smart option in the next future for those websites whose traffic and business model is mostly mobile-focused.

  • In the AMP page you should place: <link rel=”canonical” href=”https://www.example.com/url/to/full/document.html”>
  • In the canonical page you should place: <link rel=”amphtml” href=”https://www.example.com/url/to/amp/document.html”>

Structured Data

Structured data is the data that is well-organized & developed by considering the defined schema for a set of structures. It provides you with a set of patterns or structures to organize your content as expected by search engines. The set of patterns are properties that are given by Schema.org. There is a distinct schema for every type of content that you will structure, the content may be your simple text, an article, a video, a post, a page, a product, or any type of content that is part of your website.

Structured data is implemented in the code of the website and provides search engines with specific pieces of information about a page, site, or organization. Structured data can enhance AMP pages, and it can increase traffic to the website. Although structured data not being a direct ranking factor, it can influence other elements of your website which are ranking factors.

You can implement Accelerated Mobile Pages (AMP) on your site, which can help overcome critical mobile speed issues and improve the usability of pages, But most people don’t realize that AMPs can be enhanced via structured data markup. Structured data provide clean & concise parcels of information to search engines so that you can clarify the purpose of your site and its pages to quickly provide users with the accurate information that they require.

How to implement structured data

You can add a micro-markup to the site by using the Schema plugin, It works with any available schema options and is embedded in the Yoast SEO plugin. To install, go to Plugins – Add New in the WordPress console and find “Schema.” Activate it and go to Settings. You can fill in basic information, such as the location of your About Us page, Contacts, upload your website logo, you can go to Schema and add the selected schema type or publication category.

You should follow all Google structured data guidelines while creating the code for your markup. When you don’t know how to write markup code, you should use the Structured Data Markup Wizard from Google or JSON-LD Generator to create your code.

AMP with structured data

You have to add structured data to your news, blog, and sports article page, structured data can enhance your appearance in Google Search results, AMP with structured data is recommended, It can appear in the Top stories carousel, host carousel of rich results, Visual stories & rich results in mobile search results, these results such as images, page logos, and other interesting search result features.

Structured data type definitions

You should know the property requirements for Article structured data. You should include the required properties for your content to be eligible for display as a rich result, You can include the recommended properties to add more information about your content, and they offer a better user experience. Article objects should be based on one of the following schema.org types: Article, NewsArticle, BlogPosting, AMP & non-AMP pages have different property requirements and recommendations.

The following properties apply to AMP pages

Required properties include the author of the article: person or organization, The name of the author, DateTime: The date and time the article was first published, in ISO 8601 format. The date mustn’t change over time, We recommend including the hour information in addition to the day in the timestamp, The value for dateModified should be more recent than the value for datePublished.

Required properties include headline: The headline of the article, Headlines should not exceed 110 characters, For AMP stories, the headline should match the text in the first cover page in the AMP Story, The URL to an image that is representative of the article or AMP story, Due to format differences in search results, the following image guidelines only apply to general AMP pages, not AMP stories. AMP stories come with different requirements for images, Only a marked-up image that directly belongs to the article should be specified.

The URL should have images of at least 1200 pixels wide, Every page must contain at least one image (whether or not you include markup), Google can pick the best image to display in Search results based on the aspect ratio & resolution, the image URLs should be crawlable & indexable, the images can represent the marked-up content.

You should use suitable images, the image should be in .jpg, .png, or .gif format, You can use multiple high-resolution images (minimum of 800,000 pixels when multiplying width and height) with the following aspect ratios: 16×9, 4×3, and 1×1.

Required properties contain the publisher of the article, the logo of the publisher, The URL of the logo, and the name of the publisher, DateTime: The date and time the article was most recently modified, in ISO 8601 format, URL: The canonical URL of the article page, Specify mainEntityOfPage when the article is the primary topic of the article page.

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