Hurricanes effects and tropical storms advantages and disadvantages
Hurricanes are a type of cyclone that consists of heavy rain and very strong winds, Although the destruction comes along with hurricanes and tropical storms, there are benefits that come along with these storms as well.
Hurricanes benefits
Hurricanes bring rainfall to the areas that need it, The tropical cyclones are extremely efficient at rainfall production, So, They can also be efficient drought busters, The tropical cyclones are important rainmakers, They provide 25 percent or more of available rainfall to many places.
Strong winds from the hurricane can contribute to the agricultural sector in the long run, It will cause the topsoil to be distributed to the areas in which it was lacking, By the redevelopment of infrastructure, the property value and the living conditions in some areas will improve.
The hurricane helps to bring the people together, It can lower the temperature, It can help build up the coastal areas of the islands, making the island wider, The winds can oxygenate the near-surface waters and they help life to return to the areas where the red tide once existed.
Hurricanes make up an important part of the yearly rainfall budget in many places such as the Southeast U.S. and Japan, It is rare for the moisture from these storms to make a difference in inland locations, like Indiana.
Hurricanes are usually seen as terrible destructive forces of nature, They are an integral part of nature, The life in hurricane-prone areas has evolved to adapt to these great storms and benefit from them.
Hurricanes and tropical storms can bring drought-busting rains, They can perform the same cleansing function in maintaining the conditions needed for healthy coastal forests, particularly in swampy mangrove forests.
Intense rainfall of tropical cyclones causes high soil runoffs, It causes high sediment levels to be deposited in the estuaries threatened by rising sea levels, The hurricane storm surges carry substantial amounts of sediments and nutrients in the coastal marshes.
Hurricanes cause little long-term damage to the marshes, While foliage may be stripped, Stimulation from new nutrients that are brought by the hurricane returns the marshes to their original condition quickly.
Hurricanes can break up bacteria and red tide that lurk in the water, As the tropical cyclones move across the ocean, the winds and the waves toss the water’s contents, The tropical cyclone rain is too much of a good thing for any drought area.
Hurricanes provide the Global Heat Balance, One of the main purposes for hurricanes around the globe is the temperature balance between the poles and the equator, Tropical cyclones help transport heat from the equator towards the poles.
Tropical cyclones can move warm tropical air away from the equator and towards the poles, The typical cyclone releases heat energy of about 50 to 200 exajoules a day, That’s equivalent to 70 times our worldwide energy consumption.
The imbalance of temperatures will exist due to the orientation of the polar axis of our planet, Earth’s equator receives more solar energy, called insolation, than any other latitude, The insolation warms the ocean temperature that warms the air above it and keeps it warmer long into the autumn.
The Earth is trying to spread this warm wealth around the world and hurricanes are one of the ways this is done, Mid-latitude storm systems and oceanic currents are others.
Hurricanes are very efficient movers of equatorial heat due to their size and interactions with the upper levels of the atmosphere, The equator would be warmer and the poles could be cooler if the tropical cyclones did not exist.
This oceanic heat is not simply extinguished after being removed from the ocean, It is slowly wrung out in the thunderstorms as the hurricanes move pole-ward, The cold water left behind in the hurricanes can weaken new hurricanes that pass over that same area.
The barrier islands get replenished as a hurricane moves through, The tropical cyclones cycle the nutrients from the seafloor of the ocean to the surface by stirring the ocean, boosting the ocean productivity and setting the stage for blooms of marine life.
The hurricanes have the power to pick up substantial amounts of sand, nutrients, and sediment on the ocean’s bottom and bring them toward those barrier islands, The storm surge, the wind, and the waves will move these islands closer to the mainland as the sand is pushed or pulled in that direction.
Without the tropical cyclones or the artificial restoration, the barrier islands would shrink and sink into the ocean, Hurricanes can do immense barrier island damage, but they can bring some beneficial sand to the coast.
The hurricanes replenish inland plant life, Their wind blows the spores & the seeds further inland from where they would normally fall, this effect can be seen a thousand miles inland as the storms move away from the shoreline, These seeds can replenish lost growth after the fires and the urbanization.
The fragile barrier islands need the hurricanes for their survival— especially now, when the sea levels are rising, Although the hurricanes erode the beaches on the ocean side of the barrier islands, they build up the back sides of the same islands by depositing new sediments via the winds & the waves, This dynamical process keeps the barrier islands alive.
Disadvantages of Hurricanes
Hurricanes cause the destruction of the infrastructure, and loss of lives, vegetation, and livestock, A lot of hurricanes cause floods, that can wash away homes and people, Strong winds can destroy large trees and buildings, or use objects as missiles which can cause great damage.
The great loss of life resulting from the hurricanes means that the labor force will be decreased, The great destruction of vegetation and livestock means that the countries will have to source more of their food from the other countries.
During natural disasters, the social and economic aspects of the country will be negatively affected, It can lead to increased illnesses and social problems, The tropical cyclones are notorious spreaders of non-native invasive plants such as a damaging fungus called soybean rust.
The families will be separated, disrupting the socialization of many, The jobs will be lost and the economy will take a hit, The countries will receive loans from various international institutions, This money should not only be used to repair damages caused by the disasters.
Thunderstorms advantages and disadvantages
The Flood advantages and disadvantages
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You should have advantages and disadvantages equally ,but other than that it’s amazing like one website all the information you need
Although of the destruction which comes along with the hurricanes and tropical storms , there are benefits that come along with these storms as well
This is amazing. I did not know that hurricanes have advantages
That is very interesting, advantages and disadvantages both presented , I appreciate that
hi, great article